Cyber Kill Chain
What is Cyber Kill Chain? The CKC is the classical model developed by Lockheed Martin. The purpose of this model is to better understand the stages an attacker must go through to conduct an attack, and also helps the security teams to stop an attack at each stage. It also helps to identify to what extent the organization is compromised. It also helps to understand the strategies used by cybercriminals and how to defend against them. Phases of Kill Chain: There are seven phases of CKC model which are described below: Reconnaissance Weaponization Delivery Exploitation Installation Command and Control Action on objective Reconnaissance: In this phase the attacker tries to find out as much information as possible about the target like contact information and IT infrastructure of the target. There are two types of reconnaissance: Passive: Looking for publicly available information on the internet like using google, social media, whois, NSlookup, Shodan and dumpster diving. Active: gather i...