Network Services

Network Services:
In this section We will learn about the service that can run on the network like DNS,DHCP, NAT etc. We will also learn about the SDN which means that program written
In any language automatically configure the network devices.
    1. VPN:

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network.VPN is used when there are muliple office of an organization and when we interconnects these offices then data transmits through various routers and internet service providers. So in this case we need Private network and then we configure VPN. VPN helps us to transmit data in Encrypted form over the internet.
                Types of VPN:
                    Site to Site VPN:
In site to site VPN we just configure the VPN on the receiver and sender side router. If there are multiple devices between these routers then only the sending and receiving router is responsible for data encryption. Each router is considered as an end point of the tunnel.
                    Remote access VPN:
Remote access VPN is used in the situation when the user wants to connect the network with home while travelling or in other situations like this. So the user machine has some sort of VPN client to connect to the home network securely. Some operating systems provide the VPN client built in.
                    Protocols Used in VPN:
IPsec provides the facility of encapsulation of data flowing through the network. Advantages of using the IPsec is that it provides the confidentiality through the encryption, it provides integrity using hashing algorithms, and it provides the authentication and anti-replay protection.
    1. DMVPN:

Dynamic Multipoint VPN helps to transmit the traffic in Hub-spoke topology. When organization have multiple office then DMVPN is used to connect the One office with other. DMVPN is either configured on head office router so that All the other offices connected to the head office through VPN.The technology that helps us to configure the DMVPN is mGRE(multipoint Generic Routing Encapsulation)
    1. Voice Services:

Nowadays when we want to call the number with extension then a SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) is used the caller sends the SIP packet to the call agent and the call agent makes the session with the receiver.On the other hand if we know the ip address of the phone then the protocol used to initiate the call is RTP(Real Time Transport Protocol).

    1. DHCP:

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol helps us to provide IP addresses to the host. We can configure the static IP address if we have a small number end point about to 10 to 20. On the other hand if we have thousands of end points and configuring the thousands end points is difficult and a hectic process so DHCP helps us to provide IP addresses to those thousands of end points. When any endpoint needed IP address the following process takes place.

In the above picture if laptop B wants to communicate with DHCP server then router discard the packet because laptop B is on a different subnet. so a DHCP relay agent or IP helper helps to forward the packet to the DHCP server.

DHCP Features:

  • MAC reservation

  • Pool (a.k.a scope)

  • Scope options like TTL

  • Lease Time

    1. NAT:

In organizations there are a lot of devices working so each device must have an IP address so it is difficult to assign multiple public IPs to each device. Organizations have 1 or 2 public IPs that are used to communicate to the internet. So NAT helps to translate the private IP to their public IP and voice verse.

    1. NTP:

Network Time Protocol allows network devices like routers, switches to synchronize their clocks. This helps in troubleshooting for example if we are monitoring logs of routers and switches for specific events.
    1. SDN:

Software Defined Network uses virtualization technologies to route traffic instead of using hardware routers and switches. It separates the data planes and control planes within a network. SDN separates the logic used to forward or block traffic(data plane) and the logic to identify the path to take. (Control plane).


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